Aurora is a solution, that allows to execute Ethereum contracts in a more performant environment—NEAR blockchain, a modern layer-1 blockchain that is fast (2-3 second transaction finalization), scalable, and carbon neutral. Aurora is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) implemented as a smart contract on NEAR Protocol.
Aurora is a product that helps Ethereum users and dApps to easily move to the NEAR blockchain. It allows users to do two distinct things: upload and interact with Solidity smart contracts on NEAR blockchain and move assets (including ERC-20 tokens) between Ethereum, NEAR, and Aurora via the Rainbow Bridge.
Aurora supports all tools available in the Ethereum ecosystem — MetaMask, Truffle, Hardhat, Remix, etc. Additionally, NEAR's trustless bridge to Ethereum means even the assets on Aurora are the same as Ethereum. For example, account balances in Aurora's EVM are denominated in the same Ether (ETH) as on Ethereum itself.
Aurora’s base token is ETH to deliver the best user experience and familiar tooling for developers.
AURORA token is a governance token to ensure proper upgrades to the protocol. Aurora is governed by AuroraDAO which includes representatives from different ecosystems and sectors of the blockchain industry.