ETF Rocks is a groundbreaking news platform focused on transforming news accessibility. By creating a community-driven news aggregation system, we aim to foster transparency and ensure democratic access to information. Our innovative $ETF token serves as a tool for engaging the community in this process. In the midst of the information age, our platform efficiently organizes vast amounts of data, empowering the community to identify relevant content.
Additionally, I would like to inform you that the $ETF token was launched on the historic day of bitcoin spot ETF approval, which occurred on the 10th of January 2024. This significant event coincides with the introduction of our token, symbolizing a pivotal moment in the cryptocurrency and financial markets.
Furthermore, it is worth noting that the $ETF token is linked to the power of the golden ratio, as reflected in its total supply amount of 1.618. This connection to the golden ratio embodies a harmonious balance and serves as a unique aspect of our token's design.
For a more comprehensive understanding of our vision, I encourage you to explore our whitepaper, which is available at Our team consists of seven ambitious entrepreneurs ranging from 30 to 38 years old, and we are based in Switzerland, Singapore, Rwanda, Latvia, North Macedonia, and Uruguay. Together, we are dedicated to bringing this project to life and revolutionizing the way news is accessed and shared.