*The smart contract is not verified for the following asset, which means the owners may be able to modify contract behaviour (for example: disable selling, change fees, mint new tokens, or transfer tokens). Please proceed with caution.
Green Ride (GRT) is the reward game token of socialfi project CycGo, built on BNB Chain. CycGo is a Web3 lifestyle app with inbuilt Game-Fi and Social-Fi elements.
Users equip themselves with NFTs in the form of bicycles. By cycling or running outdoors, users will collect GRTs and NFTs.
GRT has an unlimited supply and is earned when a user moves in Solo or Background Mode.
GRT Burning Mechanics (Destroying) . The GRT is burned by:
- Bike-Minting
- Repair
- Leveling up Bicycles
- Gems upgrade
- Unlocking Socket