Hamster Groomers is an entertainment and educational community with a mission to transform Hamsters into experienced players in the crypto market. The Hamster Groomers community is based on three elements: Games, NFT, Token. The close interaction of all three elements helps players go all the way from a Hamster to a Hamster Groomer.
Hamster Games are a series of casual games with cute little hamster characters. Play, earn points, level up and have fun. Hamster NFTs is a collection of unique NFT characters, which are integrated into the game and provide the owner with a variety of advantages during gameplay, which allows you to speed up the game, get more rewards and level up faster.
$GROOMER is launched on BNB Chain. Hamster Token performs several functions at once. It is an in-game currency and in the future will help players convert the funds earned in the game into real money.