JOJO’s Adventure is an anime-centered meme token focused on bringing a new excitement and trustworthiness to the meme coin space by building an infrastructure for fair and safe investing. JOJO’s Adventure is inspired by Jolyne Cujoh, one of the main protagonists of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure franchise. She daughter of Jotaro Kujo and Jolyne is the only female JoJo to date. Jolyne is righteous and values her family and friends. She would selflessly do everything in her power to help her people in need.
Just like Jolyne Cujoh, JOJO’s Adventure was launched with a dream to bring alongside the community towards a vision of fairness and sustainable growth. The aim to protect the integrity of it’s holders by creating a contract that cannot be compromised, ensuring it’s security & safety. JOJO’s Adventure was designed to be a micro-supply tokens with only 10000 created and only 2500 tokens in circulation having locked 7500 tokens for 177 years. This makes the $JOJO token a scare, appreciating asset with the highest growth potential.
Jolyne Cujo's greatest asset is her imagination. In line with this, JOJO’s Adventure will release an NFT Marketplace to enable an equal-access platform, showcasing only original anime-style art from premiere artists around the world. The NFT Marketplace aims to give up-and-coming artists the equal opportunity to explore and design various forms of anime-style character by breaking down several traditional barriers created by the elitist art world. The project's aim is to democratize access and amplify a variety of talented artists.