MeanFi uses a Hybrid Liquidity Aggregator, which brings together the liquidity from Serum's CLOB, as well as Raydium, Orca, Saber, and many more. This can optimize getting users' rates and prices across the entire liquidity ecosystem when they make a swap on MeanFi.
Money streams give users the ability to stream money by the second rather than paying at pre-set intervals. This is possible because of the time vector of blockchains and the speed of Solana. It represents the exchange of value for time, such that the money flows from one account to another upon initiation of a repeating transfer, like payroll, salaries, or remittances. DCA stands for Dollar Cost Averaging and it is an investment strategy in which an investor divides up the total amount to be invested across periodic purchases of a target asset in an effort to reduce the impact of volatility on the overall purchase. The purchases occur regardless of the asset's price and at regular intervals.