MINTWAY is an NFT portal site that connects and provides information & services of various NFT-related DApps with the global NFT market. It enables users to split the ownership of the NFT and sell it as a license on the platform.
What is the MINTWAY NFT Portal?
The MINTWAY NFT Portal mainly functions as the NFT-related information portal, such as NFT news, products, markets, etc. Users could get access to various NFT-related services on a single platform.
What is the MINTWAY Market?
The MINTWAY Market enables users to divide and sell NFTs made in the general NFT market or the MINTWAY portal to increase the liquidity of their NFT assets.
Technically, NFT multiple splitting means splitting ownership of NFTs owned by NFTs. The original NFT must be locked and entrusted to a trusted company linked to the MINTWAY marketplace. Consignment to the trust company is for clear proof of the original, the place where it is currently stored, the safety of purchasing the divided NFT, and the removal of uncertainty about future earnings payment.
$MINTI is the native token of MINTWAY that is deployed on Ethereum and functions as the payment and reward method in the ecosystem.