Neoxa is a blockchain featuring assets and the ability to obtain cryptocurrency while playing various games and PoW mining. While other cryptocurrencies use only Proof of Work(PoW), Neoxa uses PoW and Proof of Game(PoG). PoG is a new way for gamers to participate in blockchain technology, simply by playing games. Until now, the minable cryptocurrency communities and gaming communities have been separated by a graphic card shortage. With Neoxa, both these communities can come together and get a piece of the block.
With Proof of Game, gamers can “mine” $NEOX by simply playing video games. Gaming can be seen by many as simply wasting time, with Neoxa Proof of Game you earn while having fun. Proof of Game can be implemented on any video game that allows custom servers and data tracking. While Proof of Game can be implemented without the use of custom servers, it will require an API to track statistics within the video game.
Instead of implementing Neoxa on a new game, Neoxa is implementing it on existing popular games. The implementation of Proof of Game is available for games that allow custom servers and the Neoxa team is not affiliated with any game studio.