Notional is a protocol on Ethereum that facilitates fixed-rate, fixed-term crypto asset lending and borrowing through a novel financial instrument called fCash.
fCash offers a simple and reliable mechanism for Notional users to commit to transfers of value at specific points in the future. Trading fCash allows users to efficiently move value back and forth through time. This flexibility opens a new dimension in the financial design space on Ethereum.
Right now, users can borrow or lend $USDC & $DAI for up to one year, and $ETH & $WBTC for up to six months from Notional's on-chain liquidity pools. With Notional's V2 upgrade, liquidity providers enjoy a low-touch experience, and no longer need to roll their debts to new maturities as it is done automatically through the use of nTokens, ERC20 tokens that represent a user's share of the liquidity pool.
$NOTE is an ERC-20 token that governs the Notional protocol. $NOTE holders can propose, vote on, and implement changes to Notional system parameters and smart contracts. Each $NOTE holder gets one vote per $NOTE that they hold.
$NOTE holders will be responsible for managing the Notional on-chain treasury, setting risk and collateralization parameters, and voting on any proposed upgrades to the Notional smart contracts.