RAILGUN is a smart contract for professional traders and DeFi users that adds privacy protection to cryptocurrency transactions. When using the RAILGUN Privacy System, wallet addresses are removed from transactions on open-ledger blockchains. Without RAILGUN, wallet addresses are revealed and recorded on the blockchain. If a wallet address has been recorded in a transaction, anyone can then check that wallet’s history using tools like Etherscan. This is similar to a person having their bank balance and spending history revealed whenever they use a debit card. RAILGUN is the solution to this problem. Through zero-knowledge proof (zk-SNARKs) technology, RAILGUN users enjoy full privacy. Their identifying information is kept private when making transfers, trading, using leverage platforms, adding liquidity or using decentralized applications (dApps) any way they like. RAILGUN is compatible with all standard ERC-20 tokens by default.
As Railgun sits directly on the Ethereum mainnet, it removes the security risk and extra steps associated additional layer 2 infrastructure such as trust in third parties. A number of ERC-20 tokens can be used straight away such as RAIL, USDC, renBTC, renZEC and more. Additional tokens can and will be added via governance vote.