Telos blockchain network is a third-generation public blockchain solution for decentralized projects and applications, which addresses three issues pertaining to wide scale blockchain adoption and implementation:
Telos is built on EOSIO technology, which is an open-source blockchain software protocol that provides developers and entrepreneurs with a platform on which to build, deploy and run high-performing blockchain applications.
Since Telos is built on EOSIO, Telos inherits large parts of functionality of the protocol it was founded on (with our own major improvements implemented).
Telos provides:
- Unique resource model allowing low to no fee transactions.
- Highly scalable infrastructure with up to 10,000 transactions per second (TPS).
- dApp developer-friendly platform with low cost deployment.
The performance capabilities and low cost of Telos makes its blockchain a popular option of Telos Ethereum Virtual Machine (tEVM). The tEVM was built from the ground up, designed specifically to address the issue of scalability, affordability and fair governance of Ethereum based dApps, that suffered significantly from the massive increases of transaction cost. The ability to encapsulate Ethereum based transactions at fast speed and low cost makes it unique in the industry. This enables Telos to run native dApps and smart contracts, but also grants access to the large market of Ethereum-based dApps.
Therefore, Telos is a highly scalable third-generation layer 1 smart contract platform supporting both Solidity (on tEVM) and fee-less native C++ smart contracts. Without any code modifications, Ethereum projects can simply replicate their dApps and deploy to tEVM using familiar tool sets including MetaMask, Hardhat, Truffle, Remix, ethers.js and others.
All the applications from different EOSIO-based blockchains are interoperable and make them cross-chain compatible by default. Telos provides a blockchain protocol which is high speed, flexible, and secure. Since Telos adopted and expanded on the codebase provided by EOSIO, Telos’ blockchain network also inherits the qualities provided by EOSIO.
Telos is highly valuable for blockchain developers since it provides a platform for
- Upgradable smart contracts,
- Scheduled transactions,
- Pre-built libraries, and
- Familiar developer tools.