The XDC Chain (XinFin Digital Contract) uses XinFin Delegated Proof of Stake (XDPoS), with the intention to create a ‘highly-scalable, secure, permission, and commercial grade’ blockchain network. XinFin mainnet token $XDC and also creates an opportunity to utilize the XinFin’s real-world use-cases such as, which helps small and medium businesses or institutions originate their own financial requirements in a digital, fully structured manner so that they can distribute it to the bank or non-bank funders themselves using a common distribution standard.
Why is XDC Network (XDC) Unique?
The XDC Network is a blockchain invited to join the Trade Finance Distribution Initiative (TFDi), a consortium of the world’s leading banks and non-bank financial institutions established. In partnership with Tradeteq and other members of the TFDi, XDC Network is positioned to roll out a suite of trade finance-based products which will make trade finance assets widely accessible to capital markets while enabling finance-starved SMEs to finally gain access to the financing they need.