The Aptos blockchain has seen a surge of activity following its integration with Chingari, an Indian social media platform previously powered by Solana. According to on-chain data, the number of new users jumped 900% over the previous month, up to nearly 90,000 onboarding on-chain daily.
Chingari is a social media platform in India, Indonesia, Turkey, which caters to localized content.
As of July 14, Chingari accounted for 80% of all daily active users on the Aptos blockchain and 50% of all gas fees paid on the network, up more than 500% from the previous month. The number of transactions had also risen 150%, reaching almost 2 million daily. If it continues at this pace, the company anticipates it will surpass the lifetime total of StepN, the second-largest decentralized application (DApp) on Solana, in the coming days.
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