According to data from LookonChain, Arthur Hayes is currently the largest individual holding address of $GMX, He bought 200,580 $GMX, around 2.4% of the current circulating supply, with a total cost of 3,386 $ETH($5.72M at that time) from Mar 3, 2022 to Sept 7, 2022, the average buying price is $28.5. Arthur Hayes has claimed rewards of 344.5 $ETH($558,090) and 12,405 $esGMX($818,744) by holding $GMX. Being the most notable derivative and real-yield protocol on Arbitrum, $GMX currently trades at $66, a 60% YTD return.
Arthur Hayes is the co-founder and former CEO of cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX. In May 2022, Hayes pled guilty to United States Bank Secrecy Act violations and was sentenced to six months of home detention, two years of probation, and a $10 million fine.