Celsius said that a list of customer emails was leaked by a former employee of Customer.io. Although Celsius doesn't think that its customers face "any high risks," it does see the data breach as a "severe violation of vendor-client relations" and has contacted the appropriate authorities. It is reported that Customer.io initially said on June 30 that no Celsius data had been affected, Celsius’ email said. On July 8, however, the company warned that a list of Celsius customer emails had in fact been leaked, even though Celsius had removed all data held with Customer.io right after finding out about the incident. The employee in question was a senior engineer that has since been fired, Customer.io's update noted.
Previously, OpenSea disclosed that an employee of its email provider Customer.io abused employee privileges to download and share email addresses with unauthorized external parties. According to Customer.io, five other Customer.io customers were affected beyond OpenSea.
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