CFTC chair said that it's "just a matter of time" before crypto returns to conditions of spring crash. "We can think about what happened last spring with Celsius and Three Arrows and some of the other funds that blew up," said Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chair Rostin Behnam. "I know a lot of that leverage was sort of unwound, we’ve had a much tighter trading range in the crypto space but it’s just a matter of time before it builds up and renews itself and I’d much rather be ahead of it than behind it the next time."
In addition, speaking in New York City at the annual meeting of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, Behnam issued his latest call for broader direct authority over crypto markets, which is currently under consideration by Congress, to allow his agency to directly oversee and write rules for spot markets of digital commodities like Bitcoin.
Three Arrows Capital
Policy and Regulation