Ethereum software developer ConsenSys has updated its Privacy Policy. Under the new policy, when users use Infura as the default RPC (Remote Procedure Call) provider in MetaMask, Infura will collect the users' IP addresses and Ethereum wallet addresses when sending a transaction.
Both Infura and MetaMask are offered by ConsenSys. The Privacy Policy also noted that, if users use their own Ethereum node or a third party RPC provider with MetaMask, then neither Infura nor MetaMask will collect users' IP addresses or Ethereum wallet addresses.
RPC is a technique for software communication, which enables one computer program to call procedures to execute on another computer without knowing the details of the remote computer. In the blockchain space, RPC is a way for nodes to communicate with each other or with Virtual Machine. Each node can send instructions to other nodes or query data from them in the blockchain network through RPC API.