Obol Network has announced the launch of their Alpha Release, marking a major milestone in their journey towards V1 launch. The release will see the deployment of Mainnet DVs (Distributed Validators) with the community for the first time, allowing for the progressive integration of the Obol protocol into staking applications.
The DVs will be carefully launched with a group of trusted partners, including EtherFi, DSRV, Cosmostation, and others. The launch partners have already deployed five DV clusters on Mainnet, with more to come in the future.
Distributed Validator Technology enables the duties of an Ethereum validator to be performed across a cluster of nodes in order to improve resilience (safety, liveness, or both) as compared to running a validator on a single node.
Obol Network is a middleware layer designed to provide resiliency and decentralization to public blockchain networks, particularly Ethereum. It aims to address stake centralization by enabling permissionless access to Distributed Validators through a middleware implementation of Distributed Validator Technology (DVT).
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