Crypto Leaks, the website which accused Ava Labs, the developer behind Avalanche, of weaponizing litigation against rivals in partnership with law firm Roche Freeman, posted a legal filing showing that Roche Freeman received over 4 million $AVAX from Ava Labs, which accounts for about 1.75% of $AVAX supply as of today.
Earlier, Ava Labs founder Emin Gün Sirer released a statement, saying that the allegations on Crypto Leaks were "categorically false". He said that Ava Labs had never directed lawyer Kyle Roche in his selection of cases. The company didn't receive materials or information from him, and didn't entrust its legal affairs to him, who has only represented Ava Labs in a defensive capacity in a couple run-of-the-mill corporate contract disputes and Emin Gün Sirer himself in a libel case. Emin Gün Sirer added that Roche has filed all their lawsuits independently of Ava Labs, including the one against Solana. Roche is not responsible for regulatory matters for Ava Labs, and is not on Ava Labs' executive team. In addition, Emin Gün Sirer said the claim that Roche had nearly 1% of $AVAX was false.
Source Avalanche
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