Decentralized exchange LeetSwap tweeted that the team rescued around 400 ETH from the pools atrisk. Trading will be re-opened in around 12 hours (August 3 at 23:00 UTC), although the website might be temporarily slow or unstable due to the heavy traffic.
Additionally, LeetSwap said the Optism pool was hit before the limits were removed, due to inaction by the Optism team, despite multiple attempts to contact and direct requests to do so. The funds were not stolen, but are currently stuck in a smart contract. LeetSwap has asked for help about this to other engineers to find out if there is a way to recover those funds.
Related: LeetSwap Temporarily Stops Trading Due to Attack, Loses about 340 ETH
LeetSwap Recovered About 220 ETH, But Can't Enable Trading Yet
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