OpenLeverage Token Contract Deployed to Ethereum and Will Airdrop 7.35% of Initial Total Supply
OpenLeverage, a lending and margin trading protocol, has now deployed its $OLE token contract to Ethereum. The total initial supply of $OLE is 1 billion, of which 45% is allocated to the DAO treasury for community incentives, including but not limited to retroactive rewards, trading, lending, xOLE holder rewards, marketing campaigns, etc.; 9.6% is allocated to the ecosystem development vault; 28.4% is allocated to previous OpenLeverage Foundation investors; and 17% is allocated to founders, employees, and advisors.
In addition, 7.35% of $OLE (73,500,000 $OLE) has been allocated to historical lenders, traders, and NFT holders, based on a snapshot ending June 30th, 2022 at 12:00 PM UTC.