StarkNet Ecosystem DEX Starkswap Launches Iron Fleet with
StarkNet ecosystem DEX Starkswap has partnered with DeFi revenue aggregator to launch Iron Fleet, a Layer2 pooling protocol. User on StarkNet can deposit tokens into an Iron Fleet ship headed to a layer 1 Yearn vault, and the protocol will return the yv tokens that represent their deposit. Withdrawals from layer 1 Yearn vaults work in the exact same way, except they must deposit yv tokens to receive their original deposit (plus interest) back instead. Iron Fleet's alpha UI is live on the the StarkNet planets alpha testnet.
Iron Fleet allows users on StarkNet to pool their assets together for interactions with layer 1 DeFi protocols such as Yearn and split the gas fees with each other. This means that when many users are depositing or withdrawing, gas fees are near 0.