Matt Furie's latest creation is now crypto's hottest meme coin! Our goal is to own the property rights to the character and secure mr. furie's help to promote it. It is one of the Matt Furie's art and considered as PEPE brother. A meme with high value potential. Matt Furie's latest creation is now crypto's hottest meme coin! Our goal is to own the property rights to the character and secure mr. furie's help to promote it. LIFE IS A BORK Bork coin is inspired by Matt Furie's treasured NFT piece. he has tweeted about the character several times, showing his affection for the poop-headed, doe-eyed mascot.
As a cryptocurrency project, our goal is this: to raise enough funds so we can purchase the Bork NFT and own all the rights to it. As owners, we can then attempt to coordinate with Matt Furie with the hope that he'd help us promote his original creation. As owners, we - as a community - will also have a say on what to do with the intellectual property. We will decide as a group, work as a team, and prosper as a family regardless of what route we'd choose to take. Bork coin is 100% safu. LP is locked for a significant period of time, ownership is renounced and the contract is verified for everyone's easy perusal.