ABOUT US Shaping The Future With AI In today’s digital age, blockchain technology has emerged as a powerful tool for creating secure and transparent decentralized applications. However, developing smart contracts using Solidity, the most widely used programming language for Ethereum blockchain, can be a complex and time-consuming process, requiring specialized knowledge and expertise. To address this challenge, we have developed an AI bot that writes Solidity contracts, providing a fast, reliable, and cost-effective solution for companies looking to develop blockchain-based applications.
Our bot uses advanced machine learning algorithms to generate Solidity code automatically, simplifying the process and reducing the risk of errors. In this way, we aim to democratize access to blockchain technology, enabling companies of all sizes to leverage its benefits and create innovative applications.
Holders Benefit Revenue sharing program Holding above 1%+ of total supply in $0xDev token automatically enrolls you to the revenue sharing program, the revenue share program is a weekly pay out to the top holders based on the fees accumulated from deployments. The more deployments through the bot equates to a higher revenue share claim.