- 排名 #N/A
- 市值 0.00% -
- 24H现货交易量 0.00% $0.138822
- 换手率 -
- 流通量 -
- 总供应量 1,000,000
- 最大供应量 1,000,000.00
- 最大稀释市值 $4,520
- API ID crypto-nodes
- 项目开始时间 -
- 合约地址与浏览器 0x2ef...3f92d
- 网站链接 官网
- 相关链接
CryptoNodes - It is a unique Crypto Protocol DaaS on the Avalanche Blockchain.
We are creating a very EasyToFollow and stable project. The tokenomics of the CryptoNodes project allows investors to gain guaranteed passive income using Nodes systems.
Node - is a result of blocking tokens in exchange for a lifetime income, generated by a Smart contract. With CryptoNodes you will have to block 10 $CRND, by transferring your $CRND tokens to the Smart Contract, which will, thereby, generate an everyday payment in $CRND for you. Which guarantees you stable high-yielding rewards.
What are our strength?
1.Comprehensible technologies of the Crypto nodes creation, and guarantees of stable passive income.
2. Ability of notably increasing income from Crypto nodes using NFT algorithms
3. Well thought out TAX and rewards systems
4. One of the best and most comfortable Networks - Avalanche
We are just starting our journey in the Crypto DaaS world. Welcome to the CryptoNodes community!
Avalanche 从 Terra 的 LFG 回购了价值 5300 万美元的 AVAX 代币
澳新银行集团和 Chainlink 在 Avalanche 和以太坊上测试了代币化资产结算
Avalanche 推出 Teleporter 以统一子网网络
Avalanche 公布其 1 亿美元 meme 币基金的标准
7小时前 摄氏度将向债权人分发1.27亿美元,作为第二次破产支付
7小时前 Hyperliquid 计划在 11 月 29 日的“创世纪事件”中推出 HYPE 代币
1 天前 长期比特币持有者在过去 30 天内卖出了超过 72.8 万比特币:CryptoQuant
1 天前 报道:特朗普团队希望将加密监管转移到 CFTC,削弱 SEC 的作用
2 天前 币安推出 BFUSD,承诺 APY “永远不会低于零”
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