EVRAZ (EVRAZ) Live Price and charts Today

1 EVRAZ (EVRAZ) Price Today in USD is -


EVRAZ (EVRAZ) all-time high (ATH) is - USD

The maximum supply of EVRAZ (EVRAZ) is 200,000,000.00

EVRAZ (EVRAZ) 24h volume is - USD

EVRAZ (EVRAZ) Market Cap is - USD



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  • 排名 #N/A
  • 市值 -
  • 24H现货交易量
  • 换手率 -
  • 流通量 -
  • 总供应量 100,000,000
  • 最大供应量 200,000,000.00
  • 最大稀释市值 -
  • API ID evraz copy duigou
  • 项目开始时间 Jan, 2018
  • 合约地址与浏览器 coin-img https...EVRAZ
    copy duigou
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关于 EVRAZ 项目里程碑
EVRAZ 是一个数字货币 (NDC) 和去中心化交易所 (DEX) 的全球网络,在 BitShares 区块链上运行。

EVRAZ is a global network of digital currency (NDC) and a decentralized exchange (DEX). It operates on BitShares blockchain, and is built on the Graphene technology to spread modern scientific achievements to all industries that use the internet to provide their services. It is a multi-functional, industrial-level Web 3.0 platform for high-performance financial instruments and smart contracts. It is the first decentralized autonomous community that allows its main token holders to determine their future direction of development and financial products.

EVRAZ is a peer-to-peer, one-rank system that allows for direct, intermediary-free exchange of digital goods traded in the ecosystem. Fast and secure, with anonymous named accounts where only you have access to your account. The web application has a  users-friendly interface. EVRAZ electronic money network provides fast payments around the world. The EVRAZ coin is a token of the EVRAZ project and is used for payments and transactions on the platform. As the platform is global, anyone with an internet connection can use it for trading. This makes all the liquidity of the world available to a single order book for trading.

EVRAZ decentralized exchange (DEX) is a platform for buying and selling cryptocurrencies at fair prices with blockchain guarantees so users can securely store and transfer their digital assets. Every trading operation is recorded in the blockchain. You can trade any amount at anytime from anywhere with low fees. Unlike other decentralized networks, EVRAZ has a very high transaction processing speed, which allows for real-time trading, and a unique verifiable order matching algorithm. Once a set of orders is received, it can always be verified that these orders were matched correctly.

The exchange is resilient to external influences and there is no single point of failure. It has a very definite set of advantages over traditional centralized exchanges. Security of funds and trades is ensured by industrial-level elliptic cryptography. Unlike centralized exchanges, no one can access user funds without their permission. To increase security, conditional deposits and multi-signature schemes can be set up for clients. In EVRAZ DEX, order matching is done by a protocol that is unaware of the consequences of the assets associated with it. Undoubtedly, the future is for decentralized exchanges.

For automated trading on the stock exchange in free access there is a free trading bot with opensource code, which can be used and which can be customized to your specific needs. Simple and understandable in settings. This is a great opportunity to make money without bothering with technical analysis and looking through countless market forecasts. And you don't have to be a professional trader, just have the desire to make money. Practically ready business with the possibility of guaranteed income.

One of the biggest innovations of the platform is cryptocurrency, which is able to maintain parity with a globally accepted currency, such as the US dollar. It can be widely used for convenient and censorship-resistant trading. This is achieved through a new type of market-pegged assets (MPA) freely traded digital assets whose value is linked to the value of the underlying asset through contracts for difference (CFD). These are smartcoins such as bitUSD, bitEUR, bitRuble, bitCNY and others. Smart coin (synonym MPA and stablecoin) is a cryptocurrency that always has 100% or more of its value secured by the main currency of the BTS platform, to which it can be exchanged at any time, as collateral in CFD.

These unique smart coins make them independent of intermediary risk, even though they are similar to CFDs backed by collateral. This is achieved by providing the network with the capability, implemented as a software protocol, to be responsible for providing the collateral and executing trades. These digital tokens have the same value as the physical assets attached to them. Therefore, 1 USD in such a wallet is worth 1$ and can be used as such. Any of these tokens is backed by other assets that are frozen as collateral and available for trading at their current price.

In addition to the above-mentioned assets linked to the market, the cryptocurrency platform allows individuals and companies to create and issue their own tokens. The potential uses for so-called user-issued assets (UIA) are innumerable. On the one hand, such assets can be used as regular tickets stored on the user's mobile phone to facilitate entry to a concert. On the other hand, they can be used for crowdfunding, ownership tracking, or even selling company shares in the form of stocks.

The public digital register allows the creation of decentralized autonomous companies (DACs) for various structures and projects that provide better quality services at lower costs compared to their traditional, centralized institutions. They are, by nature, global, transparent, reliable, efficient, and, perhaps most importantly, profitable. The emergence of such decentralized companies heralds the emergence of a new paradigm in organizational structure, in which companies can operate without human management and under the control of an incorruptible set of business rules. These rules are encoded in publicly verifiable software with opensource code distributed on the computers of company shareholders, which easily protect the company from arbitrary control. 

EVRAZ is building an independent ecosystem that eliminates the need for financial intermediaries. Our goal is to mass-introduce and fully integrate cryptocurrencies into everyday life, completely eliminating the need for traditional banking structures and making it easier for individual users to get started in this field. The remittance industry is precisely the place where the benefits of using innovative technologies are obvious to people. The EVRAZ system eliminates barriers to sending, exchanging, and receiving money by using cryptocurrencies.

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