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- API ID griffin
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- 合约地址与浏览器 0xd08...52a0c
- 网站链接 官网
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Griffin 是 Avalanche 上的 Rebase 代币,专注于具有三重威胁通缩理念。Griffin Finance is a Rebase token focused on having a triple threat deflationary philosophy. Holders will receive Rebases every 30 minutes for a total of 2.25% per day. The tokens are auto staked, so just by holding them in your wallet you will begin to receive these rebases! Our unique deflationary measures will help sustain our price long into the future. We will be burning $GRIF tokens through 3 different methods. For the first method, every transaction will be burning a percentage of $GRIF tokens to decrease circulating supply. For the second method, our treasury profits will also go toward buying back and burning tokens causing price appreciation. Finally, for the third method, our unique NFTs can only be purchased using $GRIF tokens which will also be sent to a burn wallet. NFT Royalties will also be used for buybacks. As most people are aware, rebase tokens are inherently Inflationary, and we believe with our unique approach we will be able to combat this inflation with our strong deflationary measures.
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