时间精度 :
时间范围 :
- 排名 #N/A
- 市值 0.00% -
- 24H现货交易量 0.00% $2.5136
- 换手率 -
- 流通量 -
- 总供应量 550,000,000
- 最大供应量 550,000,000.00
- 最大稀释市值 $5,486
- API ID marble-heroes
- 项目开始时间 -
- 合约地址与浏览器 0x9d9...5e0bf
- 网站链接 官网
- 相关链接
关于 MBH
Marble Heroes was established to provide a simplified environment to avoid the common troubles and tricks in traditional games, and provide an accessible platform for players to get the rewards they deserve. After witnessing that the real world is dominated by the imbalance of wealth, we are determined to contribute to the construction of the future world, democratize everyone's access to wealth, and give communities around the world the opportunity to create their own wealth creation moments that will change their lives, all in order to build their comfortable homes.
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