In the medical field, a non-face-to-face counseling system like reality is support, and in the field of cosmetics and fashion and beauty, product demonstrations and wear tests are support through AR.
All data - including transaction information is record and managed using blockchain technologies such as decentralization using Smart Contract, reliability through Oracle systems, and contract proof through NFT.
Users of the Mein service can experience the existing industries that occur in reality within Metaverse. Even if the service provider does not move to the area where the service provider is locate, it is possible for users to receive services anywhere they want, reducing time such as travel time and waiting time in the real world, as well as reducing incidental costs. In the case of service providers, marketing effects that attract many prospective customers around the world can expect, and it is possible to give potential customers reliability through branding by proving the reviews of actual service users through blockchain technology.
In this way, Mein aims to solve the Unmet Need of service users and service providers.