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- 排名 #N/A
- 市值 -
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- 换手率 -
- 流通量 -
- 总供应量 1,000,000,000
- 最大供应量 -
- 最大稀释市值 -
- API ID metabots
- 项目开始时间 -
- 合约地址与浏览器 0x098...6fa78
- 网站链接 官网
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关于 MTB
'Welcome to MetaBots, robot boxing is here! MetaBots is an innovative project that combines the Metaverse, NFTs and the Play to Earn concept. We are creating a Metaworld where people can create a vast array of different boxing robots. These robots are created using 6 different NFT parts that can be minted or collected in the game. The game will be PvP in an arena style format.
Token platform
In the MetaBots universe we will initially launch with our first edition of bots, compiling no more than 10 robots to start with. These robots will be created using 6 individual parts (left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm, torso and head). There will be multiple varieties of each component, meaning there will be a large variety of fighters. There are 5 different metal, 4 different wiring types, 5 manufacturing dates, 4 parts status. This will result in over 24,000 unique parts.
The overall objective of the game is to defeat your opponent by diminishing your opponent's health bar (HP). Assigning different strikes and armour variations will be crucial to your robot's success in the fight. You can accomplish this through familiarizing yourself with the game, and by purchasing in-game NFTs to upgrade your robot. By increasing your robot's rank through armour and part upgrades, it will give you a better advantage to defeat your opponent. This in-turn will give you a better opportunity to earn money from battles.
Tokens to be used in game can be bought through PSIDEX or Pancakeswap. The tokens can be sent to the player's game account and from there the player can spend them there. This can be used to make recharging instant. The token will be used as a currency to bet with and put it as a wager. The token will be bought with 50% of all revenue from the game, we will then burn 50% of these and send 50% to the in-game rewards pot. The token will be bought with 50% of all NFT revenue sales that are going to be used in-game. There will be at start 24,000 different NFT’s and can be minted at a price of 0.1 BNB. The token can be used to stake to earn NFTs. House upgrades and other upgrades can be done with only the token.'
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