OceanSwap is a DEX built by Oceans Finance to create Pools,Farms & NFT Staking for Oceans ecosystem and its partners.
Oceans Finance is developing a truly diverse protocol that will consist of more then your normal 15 Minute rebase period and $BUSD Rewards.
$OCEANS token will be "Multi Chain" On "BSC,Etheruem,Avalanche,Fantom" and possibly others to be announced. Ocean Finance wants to bring in WHALES from multiple chains to participate in the Oceans Finance Evolution. The team will offer the above mentioned as well as the First utility the (Ocean Cash) abbreviated ($OCASH) Stablecoin.
The Stablecoin will be a EXTRA leverage for investors as it is pegged 1:1 with $BUSD on the Binance Smart Chain to allow investors to swap $BUSD for $OCASH and "Farm,Stake,Borrow & Swap" for $OCEANS Tokens. All this can be done in the custom made Dapp.