Pantomime ($PANTO) is a liquidity aggregator on Ethereum, which can aggregate the best liquidity across DEXs. The backend for PantSwap is powered by 0x Swap API. This is a REST API that runs on HTTP. The API endpoint aggregates liquidity from across the DEX ecosystem and easily surfaces the best price for ERC20 assets. The endpoint aggregates liquidity from both on-chain and off-chain liquidity networks to boot.
By default, it has built-in user-protection features, including:
- Queries prices from multiple DEXs and market makers and aggregates the liquidity from the queried sources to provide the best price possible. Think of how Google flights aggregates flight prices for a certain time and date to help you find the best price, similarly helps you find the best price across DeFi liquidity sources.
- Smart order routing algorithm splits up your transaction across different sources to maximize the overall return on your swap.
- Slippage Protection enables developers to surface more reliable quotes and consistently deliver the best executed price to users
- Price Impact Protection calculates price impact estimates, and allows developers to easily notify users if insufficient liquidity may negatively affect the price
- Easy AF to use!
Only 10,000,000 Panto Tokens will exist in totality, 100% of which will be added to the Liquidity Pool.