Pepe Le Pew Coin is a pure meme coin with 0% taxes, renounced ownership, liquidity locked for 1,000 years and renounced, but with burn mechanics, utility and gamification baked into the contract, allowing Pepe Le Pew Coin move and grow easily with market as a contender for a top altcoin, in addition to being able to easily get onto centralized exchanges as demand dictates. This provides DeFi and Centralized Exchange holders the same experience. Pepe Le Pew Coin was born out of the community requesting the team create a meme coin with the legs to go the distance and become the next top alt coin. The team put months of effort into Pepe Le Pew Coin design and development to come up with something truly unique; a pure meme coin that includes mechanics, utility and governance.
- 排名 #N/A
- 市值 0.00% $78,610
- 24H现货交易量 0.00% $25.96
- 换手率 -
- 流通量 114,347,217,657,719.69
- 总供应量 165,165,125,165,230
- 最大供应量 165,165,125,165,230.00
- 最大稀释市值 $113,545
- API ID pepe-le-pew-coin
- 项目开始时间 -
- 合约地址与浏览器 0xa34...4f67b
- 网站链接 官网
- 相关链接
关于 $PLPC
$PLPC 是以太坊上的模因代币。
加密市场制造商 B2C2 利用 PV01 在以太坊上发行其首只公司债券
以太坊第二层 Lisk 发布主网并宣布空投计划
狗狗币价格飙升 51%,市值突破 630 亿美元
病毒松鼠“花生”引发了 Solana memecoin 狂潮
Hyperliquid 计划在 11 月 29 日的“创世纪事件”中推出 HYPE 代币
23小时前 长期比特币持有者在过去 30 天内卖出了超过 72.8 万比特币:CryptoQuant
23小时前 报道:特朗普团队希望将加密监管转移到 CFTC,削弱 SEC 的作用
1 天前 币安推出 BFUSD,承诺 APY “永远不会低于零”
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