The PLAYXB is a multipurpose virtual currency envisioned to withstand the test of time, designed with solid economic principles and financial knowledge to outlive the market crash in a sector and outperform any competition, if any. The PLAYXB is not conjoined to a single project. If a project fades away, a newcomer emerges. This one-to-many relationship enables the PLAYXB to rebind a new promising project in an attempt to invigorate the ecosystem all over again. The rebinding process is an ongoing strategy not seen in competitions. For the newborn currency to survive, it first needs to be widely accepted. This is one reason why PLAYXB is not limited to a certain sector of business and industries which allows the ecosystem to expand and shrink as required.
时间精度 :
时间范围 :
- 排名 #N/A
- 市值 0.00% -
- 24H现货交易量 0.00% $0.565515
- 换手率 -
- 流通量 -
- 总供应量 10,000,000,000
- 最大供应量 10,000,000,000.00
- 最大稀释市值 $45,561,821
- API ID playxb
- 项目开始时间 -
- 合约地址与浏览器 0x870...F096C
- 网站链接 官网
- 相关链接 -
关于 PXB
PLAYXB 是一个通证发行在 Polygon 上的游戏平台。
Polygon 开发人员将 MATIC 令牌转换为 POL
DAO 开发商 Aragon 为 Polygon 构建一个"治理中心"
Polygon zkEVM 遭遇了长达10小时的故障
Polygon 完成了重大升级 Napoli 硬分叉
Immutable zkEVM 推出抢先体验模式主网
14小时前 摄氏度将向债权人分发1.27亿美元,作为第二次破产支付
14小时前 Hyperliquid 计划在 11 月 29 日的“创世纪事件”中推出 HYPE 代币
1 天前 长期比特币持有者在过去 30 天内卖出了超过 72.8 万比特币:CryptoQuant
1 天前 报道:特朗普团队希望将加密监管转移到 CFTC,削弱 SEC 的作用
2 天前 币安推出 BFUSD,承诺 APY “永远不会低于零”
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