Poly Maximus empowers you to utilize Hedron like a whale by bidding on the highest quality HSIs and amplifying your HDRN stake yield. Poly is a new Maximus smart contract for trustless pooling of HDRN to bid on HSI HEX stake auctions and to stake HDRN through the Icosa protocol.
POLY is an ERC-20 token. You will be able to mint POLY 1 to 1 with HDRN during a one-time mint phase, after which no more POLY will ever be created. Anyone that wants POLY after the mint phase will be able to buy it on decentralized exchanges. Poly will be backed by two high-growth Treasury Assets:
- Potentially multiple HSI HEX stakes won at the auction
- One massive HDRN stake
As time goes on, each POLY token will be backed by more and more HEX, HDRN, and ICSA earned by the Poly Maximus Treasury Assets. When the stakes end, holders of POLY will be able to redeem their portion of the HEX, HDRN, and ICSA in the Poly Maximus smart contract by burning their POLY.