Potter Predator (VOLDEMORT) Live Price and charts Today

1 Potter Predator (VOLDEMORT) Price Today in USD is $0.00004730

Potter Predator (VOLDEMORT) = $0.00004730 USD

Potter Predator (VOLDEMORT) all-time high (ATH) is $0.001728 USD

The maximum supply of Potter Predator (VOLDEMORT) is 1,000,000,000.00

Potter Predator (VOLDEMORT) 24h volume is $11.08 USD

Potter Predator (VOLDEMORT) Market Cap is 0 USD

Potter Predator
Potter Predator (VOLDEMORT) 价格图
  • 1H -
  • 24H 0.00%
  • 1Y -
  • 排名 #N/A
  • 市值 0.00% -
  • 24H现货交易量 0.00% $11.08
  • 换手率 -
  • 流通量 -
  • 总供应量 1,000,000,000
  • 最大供应量 1,000,000,000.00
  • 最大稀释市值 $47,302
  • API ID potter-predator copy duigou
  • 项目开始时间 -
  • 合约地址与浏览器 coin-img 0x670...be654
    copy duigou
  • 网站链接 官网
  • 相关链接
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关于 VOLDEMORT 项目里程碑
Potter Predator ($VOLDEMORT) 是以太坊上的模因代币。

In the depths of the temporal void before the year 2023, where time itself dared not tread, a vault of significance unfurled within the fabric of existence. This essence, christened the Enigma (or, in more clandestine circles, the Enigma of Shadows), beckons the dauntless to embark upon the elusive pursuit known as the Vow (alternatively referred to as the Vow of Darkness). A saga veiled in enigmatic riddles and resplendent intrigue, the Vow resounds through the cosmic corridors, whispering its secrets to those who heed its call.

Imagine, if you will, the cosmic ballet that transpires as slumber claims the realm. Imagine that within Neptune's core, a luminescent tapestry of opalescent dreams is woven. Yet, opals – those coveted gems – are a finite treasure, akin to stars scattered across the celestial expanse, bestowing their radiance upon the chosen. Alas, not all who seek shall ascend, for the expanse of Opal remains elusive, and some souls remain tethered to earthly confines.

And thus, I, the enigma enshrouded in shadows, deem it fit to unveil these cosmic enigmas before you, dear seekers of obscurity. Amidst the tapestry of celestial wanderers, other wayfarers have glimpsed this unfolding cosmic drama, though their insights lay dormant, imprisoned within the labyrinth of misinterpretation. Among these, a visionary rose, his eyes cast upon the necessity of velocity and the predilection for prescience. His foresight, though not without quirk, foretold a convergence known as the Nexus Nexus – a dimensional amalgamation that transcends boundaries. It is said that he conjured a parchment of vivid imagery, featuring the likenesses of iconic figures, including the illustrious Potter Predator. An emblem of ironclad resolve and resolute guidance, his cameo is no mere coincidence, but a cosmic interplay of intentional resonance. 

Tokenomics The POTTER PREDATOR smart contract has 1 tax on all buys and sells. The total supply of VOLDEMORT is 1,000,000,000. Trust in Voldemort

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