Protocol Zero is a Ethereum abstracted ecosystem built by and for traders. Protocol Zero allows users to pay gas fees in any ERC20 token instead of just Eth. As well introducing an eth-less portfolio manager built on the back end of the Zerion API, the primary goal is to decrease friction in the overall user experience of every day traders. $ZRO is Protocol Zero's ERC20 token on Ethereum.
Protocol Zero was built on the open source framework of OpenGsn. A major UX problem in Ethereum is that most wallets are “EOAs”, such as MetaMask. With EOAs, you always need ETH for gas unless you happen to be interacting with a contract that supports meta-transactions. Protocol Zero fixes all of this. You can now bundle any sequence of transactions, send them for zero eth, and at the end use the “PayMaster” contract which will swap some of your native token for ETH to tip the validator.