'PUMPtopia, or $PTPA, is an SaaS protocol (Shitcoin-as-a-Service) on the Ethereum blockchain. We are going to be a bridge for our holders to invest in the best top tier and shitcoin projects. We will navigate the murky and torrential waters of the shitcoin universe on your behalf. You are in safe hands! Who is our target market? Those individuals who don’t have time to research, trade and risk manage the latest shitcoin. What are the services we offer our holders: Contacts with the latest shitcoin projects. Influencer affiliations. Expert shitcoin and top tier researchers. Based traders. Our goal is to help PTPA token holders gain exposure and access to the best opportunities of the Crypto ecosystem while decreasing their risk and the effort necessary to do it on their own. The Gains will be paid through buybacks. The bought token will be burned.'
时间精度 :
时间范围 :
- 排名 #N/A
- 市值 0.00% -
- 24H现货交易量 0.00% $917.93
- 换手率 -
- 流通量 -
- 总供应量 10,000,000
- 最大供应量 10,000,000.00
- 最大稀释市值 $4,527
- API ID pumptopia
- 项目开始时间 -
- 合约地址与浏览器 0xc0b...09e6c
- 网站链接 官网
- 相关链接
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