Raider Inu (RAID) Live Price and charts Today

1 Raider Inu (RAID) Price Today in USD is $0.00004025

Raider Inu (RAID) = $0.00004025 USD

Raider Inu (RAID) all-time high (ATH) is $0.035107 USD

The maximum supply of Raider Inu (RAID) is 10,000,000.00

Raider Inu (RAID) 24h volume is $0.34 USD

Raider Inu (RAID) Market Cap is 0 USD


Raider Inu
Raider Inu (RAID) 价格图
  • 1H -
  • 24H +0.34%
  • 1Y -
  • 排名 #N/A
  • 市值 0.00% -
  • 24H现货交易量 0.00% $0.342573
  • 换手率 -
  • 流通量 -
  • 总供应量 1,000,000
  • 最大供应量 10,000,000.00
  • 最大稀释市值 $402
  • API ID raider-inu copy duigou
  • 项目开始时间 -
  • 合约地址与浏览器 coin-img 0x202...d97c9
    copy duigou
  • 网站链接 官网
  • 相关链接
    • icon
    • icon
关于 RAID 项目里程碑
Raider Inu ($RAID) 是以太坊上的模因代币。

Raider Inu ($RAID) is a meme token on Ethereum which offers Raiding-as-a-Service and a game-changing utility that can greatly benefit any project looking to succeed. $RAID is an artificial intelligence (AI) raid leader bot designed to assist users in the process of 'raiding' on Twitter. Raiding, in this context, refers to the practice of trying to get the attention of influencers or popular accounts on the platform by sending responding to their tweets. 

Raider Inu uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) to generate unique and attention-grabbing tweets that are tailored to the influencer's tone and mood, increasing the chances of getting a response. It can run 24/7, providing a steady flow of engagement and it is an efficient, cost-effective, and reliable solution for any project looking to grow its online presence and increase engagement. 

The Raider Inu AI bot works by using advanced natural language processing (NLP) to generate unique and attention-grabbing tweets that are tailored to the influencer's tone and mood. The bot is programmed to understand the context and the tone of the tweets and to generate the responses accordingly. Currently, the Raider Inu bot generates tweets which must be reviewed by the user. The user can choose to either regenerate or send the tweet if they are satisfied with the content. This allows the user to have control over the tweets being sent and ensure they align with their project's objectives and guidelines. 

Once sent, the tweet will automatically be forwarded to the Telegram group where community members are expected to engage with the tweet to further boost its visibility. Additionally, Raider Inu uses machine learning algorithms to improve its performance over time, by analyzing the influencer's responses and adjusting the settings accordingly. Another feature that the bot offers is the possibility to choose from a variety of different response styles,

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