What is Sabai Ecoverse? Sabai Ecoverse is an ecosystem on Polygon that bridges blockchain and real world with finance solutions and collaboration tools, enabling easy, transparent, and scalable access to real estate with gamified educational content and simple investment options in stable assets. What makes Sabai Ecoverse unique? Sabai's uniqueness lies in providing financial tools for real estate, including the Crypto-Real Estate Index, a trading instrument based on real estate markets. All tools are accessible through a Sabai ID account with an integrated ERC-20 and ERC-721 compatible wallet. Features also include renting and lending of entities through secure contracts. Sabai will form a DAO from different audience segments and decisions will be made through voting. History of Sabai Ecoverse Sabai Ecoverse was founded in 2021 by Vadim Bukhkalov, drawing from his 20-year track record as a successful real estate entrepreneur, including his roles as founder and CEO of Layan Green Park, VillaCarte, and La Vista Villas. Inspired by P2E technology, real estate, and customer relations, he began developing a user-friendly platform featuring gamified educational content and simplified investment options in stable assets via blockchain. What’s next for the Sabai Ecoverse? Sabai Light (an idle clicker game) Sabai World (a learn-and-earn game in the Sim Tycoon genre) Sabai Academy (an adaptable learn-and-earn platform) Sabai Marketplace (a platform for trading NFTs, real estate shares, and fractional real estate) What can the SABAI token be used for? Rewards in P2E games Buying and selling in-game NFT assets Speculations and DEFI 2.0 tools Generating real estate income Purchasing real estate (including fractional) Paying commissions for sale of real estate Buying/selling goods and services of partner companies
- 排名 #N/A
- 市值 0.00% -
- 24H现货交易量 7.24% $56,747.08
- 换手率 -
- 流通量 -
- 总供应量 2,650,000,000
- 最大供应量 2,650,000,000.00
- 最大稀释市值 $65,953,714
- API ID sabai-ecoverse
- 项目开始时间 -
- 合约地址与浏览器 0xb5d...2ef92
- 网站链接 官网
- 相关链接
Sabai Ecoverse 是一个在 Polygon 上的生态系统,通过金融解决方案和协作工具,将区块链和现实世界连接起来,为房地产提供简单、透明和可扩展的访问方式。它提供了基于游戏化教育内容的简单投资选项,使人们可以轻松地投资稳定资产。
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