The Staika project plans to provide a digital asset integrated management platform that allows users to safely and conveniently manage a variety of tokenized assets, and to create a transparent trading environment to implement a simple payment process with a low fee structure. In addition, we will continue to expand M2E (Move-To-Earn) services that users can experience, receive rewards, and improve health, and P2E (Play-To-Earn) services that users can receive rewards, make environmental protection, and social contributions.
STIK is the governance token on Solana of Staika. STIK can be obtained by purchasing from a designated exchange or by swapping from a DEX(decentralized exchange) or Staika Wallet. The use cases of the Staika are as follows:
- Means to receive benefits and rewards within the Staika platform
- Payment methods avaiable within the various services provided by the Staika platform
- Exchange (swap) means for other altcoins
- Payment and exchange methods(swap) for Staika-based Altcoin