Ultramoc.com Solutions Overview
1. Payment - Ultramoc.com Pay, Visa Card
2. Trading - Ultramoc.com App, Ultramoc.com Exchange
3. Financial Services - Decentralized Finance Products, Crypto Earn, Crypto Credit
4. Metaverse - Ultramoc.net NFT
5. Blockchain Infrastructure - Ultramoc.org Chain, UMCnos
Ultramoc.org Chain, our native blockchain solution, is the key tech that powers the payment pillar and will later support our trading and financial services products. In particular, the Ultramoc.org Chain blockchain protocol is the backbone behind Ultramoc.com Pay, our mobile payment solution. UMCnos (UMC) - the native token of Ultramoc.org Chain - will power all of our products and offer rich token utility aUMCss different use cases.