- 排名 #N/A
- 市值 0.00% -
- 24H现货交易量 0.00% $6.1500
- 换手率 -
- 流通量 -
- 总供应量 29,175,639
- 最大供应量 -
- 最大稀释市值 -
- API ID vr-blocks
- 项目开始时间 -
- 合约地址与浏览器 0xce4...7692b
- 网站链接 官网
- 相关链接
'VR Blocks is The metaverse is a digital reality that combines aspects of Social Media, Online Gaming, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Crypto (VRBLOCKS) Communities to allow users to interact virtually and virtual lands.
VRBlocks enables you to participate in the projects that will form the infrastructure and be early pioneers of the Metaverse in which your VRBLOCKS token will act as essential key. By staking your tokens, you’ll unlock a tier and other perks it brings, including first access to Token launches, generous staking rewards, and potential access to a first-of-its-kind Metaverse stakedrop.'
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